How To Save Money To Travel More (Part 2)
Guest blog by Rachel Trapani
6 changes you can make today to make room for travel in your budget!
1. Cut out grocery delivery.
This is a hot topic. Some say it saves them money because they aren’t tempted to buy things that aren’t on the list. While I can understand this rationale, the prices are higher plus you’re paying a tip each time. If this is a luxury you can afford without making sacrifices elsewhere, by all means, “Shipt shop” away, but if you want to find money in the budget for travel, this is numero uno on the list of things to cut!
Plan the meals, make a list, and buy only what you need!
2. Stop buying unnecessary items.
This one may sound obvious, but once you start paying attention, you’d be surprised how much we buy items out of opportunity, obligation, or sheer boredom. How often have you bought a cute mug from a vendor at a street fair or an item from the jewelry party at your coworker’s sister’s house only to arrive home and realize that you didn’t really need it, but you felt like you had to buy something.
This is a hard one to get used to, but once you acclimate yourself to the feeling that you don’t need to buy something, you’ll realize no one else really cares, and you’re saving towards your long term goals instead of making impulse purchases. The same principle applies to your pets! Your dog loves you, not the cool jacket you bought him on Amazon!
3. Quit going out to lunch.
When I wasn’t paying much attention to my money, I would pack lunch most days, but I always gave myself permission to treat myself on Fridays and go out to lunch! While this may sound nice in theory, it wasn’t all that enjoyable. As a teacher, I only get 40 minutes for lunch, so I was usually stressed or rushed to get somewhere, order, grab my lunch and have time to eat it all before my next class arrived. In addition to it being stressful, it was also an added expense.
Once a week may not seem like a big deal, but saving that $15 a week ($60 a month or $720 a year) adds up. That’s a few nights stay at a mid-range hotel in Europe!
Pack the lunch! Save the money, time, gas and stress!
4. Skip the coffee and bagel stop.
This is a little different than the lunches out because while that was a “treat myself moment,” this splurge usually occurred when I didn’t shop and plan for the week appropriately. Making grocery shopping and meal prepping a part of my weekend routine has saved me money, stress and calories! To be honest, I like my coffee I make at home with my creamer better than anything I order out anyway, so that makes it easy, but if you like lattes, buy a Nespresso machine and milk frother, and DIY your morning latte at home!
Save your latte purchases for the cafes in Italy!
5. Borrow, don’t buy, books!
I will admit that I am a library addict. It’s true, but what’s not to love? I love free stuff, but the books at the library aren’t actually free. If you’re paying city taxes, you’re already paying for the library services, so you should use them to your utmost advantage! I have read over 200 books in the past 4 years. Number I purchased in that time? Three—and only after I read the book and loved it so much I had to own it, write in it, and reread it. I use my online library account to place holds on books I’d like to read and wait for the hold to arrive, most of the time from another neighboring library.
Do I sometimes have to wait a few weeks or plan ahead when I know I need a book for a certain month? Yes.
Is ordering it from Amazon more convenient? Yes.
But when I’m reading an average of 45 books a year and the average price is anywhere from $14-$20, that’s about $750 a year.
That cost savings just paid for your plane ticket to Cuba on one of Laura’s trips!
6. Get creative when gifting!
As the old saying goes, it's the thought that counts! Create, cook, or simplify your gift giving. No one is expecting you to break the bank for their birthday, retirement, or new baby! I have a sinking fund for gift giving now, but when I first started out in my debt-free journey, I kept it simple. Gift giving is one category that doesn’t get discussed much in terms of budget items, but it's a big one and can create unexpected expenses!
Making changes to how we spend our money is hard, but a few small adjustments could open up a world of possibilities full of adventure and free of stress!
Rachel Trapani is an elementary art teacher, art education professor and dog mom living and teaching in the metro Detroit area. She practices financial freedom and prioritizes travel into her life.